WINNING BIDS : Each lot will be won by the highest bidder but he will only pay at the second
best bid plus :
- 15 euros for notes bringing less than 150 euros
- 30 euros for notes bringing between 151 and 750 euros
- 100 euros for notes bringing between 751 and 1.500 euros
- 200 euros for notes bringing over 1.501 euros
An exception will be made in the case where the difference between the highest and second high-
est bid would be less than the normal increment. If a lot receives only one bid, it will be sold at
the opening bid regardless of the amount bid.If two identical bids are received on one lot, the bid
reaching us first will win the lot. The computer takes all bids to figure out the final price, even if
some bids are void due to completed budget.
RESULTS : The realized price list (including unsold lot numbers) is sent to the bidders and to
collectors who paid for the catalog and can be seen on the net. The realized price list includes the
realized prices and the highest bid registered for each lot.
EXPORT : Notes sent to countries within the European Union require no formalities. Time and
care are needed for exports outside of the European Union. We thank you in advance for your
patience. Customers wishing their notes exported would help us greatly if they would state clearly
and in detail how and where they wish to receive their note, and what, if any, insurance they might
have for such shipments. Actual costs (minimum 10 euros and maximum 50 euros) for shipping
and export will be added to your invoice.
PAYMENT : A detailed invoice will be sent to successful bidders including a minimum charge
of 10 euros to cover shipping and insurance. This charge does not apply to notes picked up at our
premises by the buyer. Upon receipt of payment, notes will be sent registered or by declared value
GUARANTEE : We guarantee the authenticity of all notes sold without time limit up to the price
paid for the note. We further guarantee complete confidentiality. The identities of the bidders and
the amount of their bids will not be revealed but the highest bids for each note which will be in-
cluded in the realized price list. The auctioneers reserve the right, at their sole discretion, to refuse
any item for sale and to refuse any bid.
DISPUTES : Any disputes regarding any item in this auction must be received by us within five
days of receipt by the buyer. Submission of a bid constitutes full acceptance of the mail bid sale
terms. Terms of Sale
Banknote Grading